Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12 noon to 1:25 pm and the mom and pups were the only seals seen during that time.
Exactly where they were yesterday were RH76 Kala and PO8. PO8 nursed and then headed up behind mom. Later Kala moved up the shore to be near the pup. PO8 spent time playing with some sort of stick and then went into snooze mode. Both Mom and pup are looking good.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted son PO3 were initially in the water when
Marilyn first started viewing. Then they hauled out and had a nursing session. PO3 then headed into the water and Aukai had to follow. A short time later they hauled out again with PO3 showing his light male belly. Marilyn noted that at one point they looked like two manapua viewing them from behind.

Team R&B started their day at the bay where they found one seal. It was RL70 Leina resting below in the the rocks. She might be ready to molt soon.

Making a quick check at tracks they saw that Miss KG54 was once again on shore.  She was alone resting peacefully. 

They went to check the outfall but there wasn't any parking. So they found a spot to take a couple of photos from afar. Sure enough there was RL20 Kalua foraging in and out of the outfall area.

Team R&B decided to take the ride out to Nimitz. They spotted one seal on shore further out.  By luck they saw N10 applied bleach
number. That was all they need to know it was that cute male R416 Makalii. This is the first time they have seen him here.
They also saw a hooked turtle and some of the fishermen were able to get the hook out.

Taking a quick look at tracks they saw two seals haul out on shore. They had an appointment and couldn't stay but tried to get an idea who they were from afar.
Later after their appointment they went back to check. The two seals
were still there, a male and female. The female had one tag showing, they were able to determine it was RH48 Lei Ola. The male took a little longer. By process of elimination, not RN04, not R3CX they determined it was RH32 Kaale.

They found their last seal at another west side location. The handsome RM31 Kai was out on waterfront rocks resting alone.

Rabbit Island
RH48 & RH32

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