Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:05 to 3:40 and there six seals seen during that time.  Unfortunately there were seven kayaks and nine people on the island. Extremely frustrating Marilyn called DOCARE and submitted information on the DLNR tip app. Marilyn did get a call back saying they would try and get an officer out. Marilyn doesn't know if anyone came out, the kayakers did leave the at 3:30 pm. Marilyn doesn't know if they were met by officers when they returned to Kaupo Beach Park.
RH76 Kala and PO8 were on the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB. The pup looked huge in todays photos. Kala vocalized multiple times when some of the kayakers were near her and the pup. After the kayakers headed back to their kayaks, PO8 nursed.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were barely visible above waterfront rocks between Middle Cliff and 3BS. Marilyn could not tell if Aukai reacted when the kayakers walked by her on two occasions. 
On the rock flats next to SRI were two seals:
Adult Male: adult size, darker coat, dark brown male belly and two red tags.
The AM was next to RK37 Hui who is about 30% molted. She was ID'd by her adult size, lighter female belly and nb on lower left side.

Team R&B decided to leave the west side and go explore. As many already know Rocky RH58 gave birth to P10 on sand island. They went to see the ol' gal and her new pup who is a little boy. They also discovered the pup has a white nail (possibly another bleach mark).  They said this little boy is one active bugga, they saw a nursing session, watched him navigate around
mom for a snooze.
They saw a couple of surfers walk into the zone and out through a a hole in the fence. Team R&B informed the volunteer on site.
Along with Mom and pup there were lots of terns flying around, they even spotted an egret catch a lizard.

Heading back to the west side and stopping at Kahe they were thrilled to find three males resting on the rocks. Kalua RL20 who is looking all grown up, fat and healthy. (that's probably from all the fish he
steals). Then there was RM31 Kai resting looking very relaxed.  
The third male took some time to ID. They even consulted with the posse for help. Finally it was determined this was R617 Kimo. He is looking quite big, and they did see some markers that confirmed his ID. On his head there is a double line scar, not to mention a scar on his right cheek and a black dot on his chest area. 

Rabbit Island
Rocky & P10

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