Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:03 to 2:51 om and there were five seals seen today.
On a rock ledge on the Lanikai side of Middle Cliff was an Adult Male: adult size, darker older coat, brown male belly, not sure about tags.
Very near the AM and apparently down in a tide pool behind the rock ledge were RH76 Kala and her pup P08. They were mostly hidden during her entire viewing session. RH76 would occasionally loop up at the Adult Male and bark at him. The only glimpse of PO8 was flipper that would pop up.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were swimming when Marilyn arrived. They finally hauled out at the beach at Middle Cliff at about 1:15 pm and went into nursing mode. Aukai and PO3 headed back into the water about 2 pm and the AM galumphed past RH76 and headed toward the Middle Cliff beach. He ultimately went into the water and Marilyn didn't see him, Aukai or PO3 after that.
The Masked Booby chick was seen alone today.

Team R&B arrived at Nimitz and saw R407 Kawika was up on Kermits Reef. They hurried over since there was no one was around. Then they spotted a huge female on the sand and that spot is where everyone sits, runs or with their dogs.
This female is very big, looks pregnant, they noted a cc scar underbelly near her nipple and no tags. They also noted a big scar under chin. They checked in with the posse and all agreed this big girl is BG R303. Team R&B was exceptionally excited since they had seen her on the west side.
As people were arriving they made a make-shift zone out of sticks. They met up with someone who use to be a volunteer who helped keep folks back. 
Next were the five netters who walked by R407 on the reef. He woke up and barked at them. 
A call was made to the hotline, as they waited. They were there for three hours when they left the area. It was too much with all the people on the beach running and playing by the seals. Unfortunately no-one arrived to help.

Their last stop at another west side location. There were two seals, but some crazy lady went close to
them and the seals began to scramble on the rocks.
They were able to quickly ID RM31 Kai and then the bigger male was R4CX Nalu. 
The woman told Team R&B she wanted to see the seals eye color, Team R&B told her brown. 
They thought R3CX had left but they saw him in a pond peaking through the rocks. The woman got the hint and moved away.
Kai RM31 and Nalu R3CX settled in and went back to sleep.

Rabbit Island
Masked Booby Chick
RM31 & R3CX

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