Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:30 to 1:30 pm and there were five seals seen during that time. Todays weather of overcast skies and occasional rain made viewing a challenge.
Aukai RL12 and her adopted pup PO3 were on LPB. PO3 was playing with some objects on the stand, then stopped next to RL12 for a short while. Then he entered the water at about 12:47 pm with Aukai following a short time later.  Marilyn did not see them haul out again during her short viewing session.
Kala RH76 and her pup PO8 were on a slab of rock between 1BS and 2BS. The pup was mostly hidden behind mom. Just before the second rain squall came in, Kala and PO8 were in the water for a swim. 
On the beach between 3BS and SRI was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, older coat with some green and dark circles around her eyes, a light gray female bell and two red tags.

On Team R&B's first stop they found one seal. It was R416 alone on the rocks resting peacefully.

Next they arrived at the outfall and saw a seal stealing fish. They were surprised to see the master thief RH32 Kaale. His applied bleach on his left side was the tell-tale sign.

They spotted a seal from afar on electric beach. They couldn't get an ID so they headed out to find R604. She was alone resting on shore peacefully.  BUT then a little brown dog with a collar walked out and pooped then walked over to R604, pretty much eye to eye. Team R&B yelled at the dog to scare it away and ran it off. R604 turned around, looked around and left.  The dog was from the homeless camp.

Next they saw KG54 resting alone at tracks. They were too far away to get a decent photo, but they were able to make a positive ID.

Lastly they found a seal at the Cliffs. It took them a little bit to figure out which male was resting alone on the rocks. Then they got what they needed it was RP30 Puka

Rabbit Island

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