Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:10 to 1:20 pm and the moms and pups were the only seals seen during that time.
Just on the 2BS side of the beach at Middle Cliff was RH76 Kala and her pup PO8. Mom moved further up the shore after Marilyn started viewing for 20 minutes with the pup not far behind. She vocalized at some point, but Marilyn doesn't know if she was vocalizing for her pup to follow her or at RL12 Aukai and PO3 who made several haul attempts on the 3BS side of the beach at Middle Cliff. Marilyn did see PO8 nurse and later snooze.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 tried to haul out several times before managing to do so on the
third try. Marilyn doesn't know if PO3 was just being difficult, but Auaki would haul out and the PO3 would get part way up the rocks and then go back into the water and Aukai would follow. After they finally got on shore, PO3 nursed and then went into snooze mode. The question is how long with PO3 nurse and how big will he gets.
One of the Masked Booby parents was with the large fluffy chick today.

Team R&B started their day at the outfall and spotted a seal in the middle of the Akule school, taking fish as usual. Yes the bugga was RL20 Kalua. Seems he really doesn't like the swimmers to come around the area, maybe feeling protective/territorial around the fish. They stayed and watched RL20 for about two hours.

At electric beach they spotted a greenish seal haul up on the beach by the parking lot. They walked over because they couldn't get an ID from afar. It was R604, resting and looking very green and smaller. Her head scar and a small little dot on her chest gave them what they needed for an ID.
They spoke with a nice man who said he would advise folks to keep away from her. He showed them a video he had of some seals near pipes. Its was very cool to see one seal under water one go into a hole and then the second one pop out of another hole. 

Next stop at Cliffs they saw the same seal as yesterday, almost in the same spot. Today it was easier to ger a better view and they were able to confirm it was RM31 Kai. His applied N9 bleach was visible
and the icing on the cake was his M31 tag was visible.
They also found Miss Lei Ola RH48 in basically the same area as yesterday. Today her applied bleach was easily readable. She is very green theses day, but resting peacefully.

Team R&B noted the beaches were packed today, they were actually surprised to have seen any seals. They headed out earlier to celebrate Father's Day with the family!

Rabbit Island

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