Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 3:22 to 4:05 pm, and the moms and pups were the only seals seen during that time.
At LPB was RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3. It appeared they had recently hauled out. PO3 nursed, snoozed a short while and then he headed into the water. Aukai waited a short while and then followed him in.
In the Middle Cliff was RH76 Kala and PO8. The pup was near the water when she started viewing but moved up next to Kala. Marilyn viewed a nursing session and then they went into snooze mode.

Team R&B started their day at the outfall where they spotted two seals in the outfall area stealing fish.
The first ID they made was RL20 Kalua, who fishers said, "He is a bullet to steal fish from us.... he is one fast bugga"  Team R&B also saw RL20 scare the heck out of a swimmer. The guy got scared and hurried away yelling to his friends Seal! Seal!  RL20 just started him down.
Team R&B was able to ID the other fish thief. It was none other than the godfather who taught L20 to fish, the master thief himself RH32 Kaale.  The fishers say he climbs up on the rocks to take fish as they reel them in, and that is why he's the master. One fisher also said the other day RH32 was in the outfall and the fisher had just tossed his lure out when Kaale popped out and got snapped on the back of the neck. But Kaale is so smart that he tossed around and got it off.

Since there were so many people out on the beach at tracks, Team R&B avoided the area to keep the seal safe. They watched KG54 from afar, she was doing fine in her spot on the sand.

At their last stop at cliffs they spotted a large green seal. It had one tag with a "H". That's when they realized it was Lei Ola RH48 looking soooooo green. She galumphed towards and smaller seal with a cc scar on its right side. They were able to confirm its ID as RP30 Puka.
Lastly they spotted a male hiding in the rocks. They did see he had an applied bleach number that they thought looked like N1. 
Marilyn responded to Team R&B's email saying she thinks the bleach is a N9 which would make this RM31 Kai.  (R420 has a N1 & N11 applied bleach and was seen earlier today at Ka'ena Point).

Rabbit Island
Adult Male - RM31 ???
wave action

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