Monday, June 10, 2024

June 10, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and R&B💕
Also an update to the unknown adult seen at Duke's Beach on Friday. Posse pal Betty who frequents the area said she was told the seal was our old gal Rocky.  Good to have her back in the neighborhood.  

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:15 to 4:00 pm and there were no seals seen for the first 15 minutes of her arrival. Seems both moms and their pups were out for a swim.
At about 1:30, Aukai RL12 and her adopted pup PO3 hauled out almost directly below the 2BS. They had a brief nursing session and then went back in the water. At 3:10 pm they hauled out much closer to the 1BS and then had another nursing session.
Finally at 2:10 pm Marilyn saw that Kala RH76 and PO8 had hauled out near 2BS, very close to where Aukai and PO3 had been earlier. The pup was hidden behind mom for much of the time, but then came around her, played for awhile and then finally nursed. The pup then moved closer to the water and RH76 moved down to the pup when a kayak with fishermen paddled by.
Marilyn noted both Masked Booby parents were with the chick today. She got a reasonable shot of the three.
Also something she hadn't seen before, a hang glider was over Rabbit Island and used the currents above the island to gain altitude before returning in the Makapuu area.

Team R&B started their day at the outfall and once again they spotted two seals foraging off in the distance. One is large and the other has a green coat. They did their best to get decent shots but no ID was possible.

Next stop was at Nimitz where they found two seals. It took them sometime to get their ID's. The old man is R407 Kawika, ID'd by the scar by his eye, natural bleach spot on left side and no tags. Today he had a partner, and after hours of being out there the seal didn't
cooperate at all. Not even a flip over, but Team R&B believe it to be R617.
People came by to look, and all were good until a fishermen came by. The older gentleman was ok but the other dude was loud and when he saw the seals he threw rocks to wake them up.  The older guy suggested they leave which they did. They probably realized they were being watched. The seals remained and were okay.

Rabbit Island
R407 & R617

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