Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕  

I did receive a couple of photos from posse pal Paul H.  Paul was at Ka'ena Point this afternoon and sent two photos. One photo the seal had an applied N11 bleach, which I believe is R420 Kaipo. The other seal I couldn't identify other than a male.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:25 to 2:05 pm and there were eight seals seen during that time.
Out on LPB were two seals (probably the same two that were there yesterday) in the back center of the beach:
Adult Female 1: adult size, older coat, sandy female belly, not sure about tags.
Adult Male 1: initially far back on the beach, he later moved up probably because AM2 arrived. The AM1 was adult size, darker coat, mottled gray male belly, unsure about tags. He didn't really interact with AF1 but kept and eye on her.
The moms and pups were again between 1BS and 2BS:
RL12 Aukai had apparently adopted supposedly weaned pup PO3 after losing her own newborn PO9. Both Aukai and PO3 seem to be doing fine with this arrangement. PO3 is going to be quite a porker by the end of this. The AM2 visited Aukai briefly, but there was little interaction as he soon left.
RH76 Kala and her pup PO8 were about 8 feet away from Aukai and PO3. It appears Kala has been moving towards the 2BS. Kala and PO8 seem to be doing we; the pup is exploring a bit under Mom's close supervision.
Initially out on the rock flats along SRI were two seals:
Adult Male 2: adult size, darker coat, dark gray male belly, unsure about tags. He seemed to be in almost constant battle with Adult Female 2: Marilyn is reasonably sure AF2 is the same seal she labeled as a Sub-adult Female yesterday. She seemed adult size, very mottled female belly, unsure about tags. She and the AM2 moved along the shoreline towards 3BS but never fully hauled out. Then Marilyn lost track of them.

Team R&B stopped at the outfall where they saw two seals off in the distance. One Unknown Adult had a clean coat. The other was an Unknown Adult with lots of green. Then they lost sight of both of them.

Next stop was at Nimitz where they spotted R407 Kawika from afar. There were lots of people out there today so they observed for a couple hours from a distance. They watched as people walked down to take
photos. R407 kept galumphing higher up as the surf was pounding and the winds were blowing.

Last stop at another west side location, they only found one seal. There was RM31 Kai alone on the rocks. He was doing his best to stay put trying to avoid the high surf.

N11 - R420
Ka'ena Point Unknown Male
Rabbit Island
Unknown Clean Coat
Unknown Green coat

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