Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island for about two hours today and only the two moms and pups were seen during their viewing session. At the time of Marilyn's report she was having some technical difficulties with the photos. If and when she is able to send them I will post.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were in the water when Marilyn arrived. They went clear down to the middle of LPB and RL12 tried to haul out there, but PO3 didn't follow so she turned around and followed him into the water. They swam for at least another half hour and eded up hauling out where they were yesterday. PO3 nursed and snoozed for a bit then he headed back into the water and Aukai followed. After about another half hour during which they headed in the Makapuu direction, they hauled out at the beach at Middle Cliff. This must have been deja vu all over again for PO3, because this is where he was born and spent his time during the first few week of his life.
RH76 Kala and PO8 had moved in the Makapuu direction and are now only about 20 feet of the 2BS. Marilyn saw PO8 nurse at least twice. Kala seems to select difficult locations for the pup to be able to get situated to nurse. PO8 spent about 20 minutes playing with a small clump of thin branches. This seems to be somewhat precocious for an 8-day old pup, but it seemed to be having fun. Mom and pup are doing well and the pus has grown noticeably.  Marilyn could again see RH76's mid-dorsal N77 applied bleach.

Tammy went out to the point with Lesley today. Their first find was weaner PO4. Looks like the kid got her bling and is officially T98/T99. 
Next they found RW02 PvKauai on some of the reefs.  And their last find was R420. He was resting comfortably.
While out there they spotted a Manu O Ku fly by and head out to sea.

Team R&B headed for the beaches right after breakfast. They found R407 Kawika resting in peace on Kermit's Reef. They sat and watched him and then noticed some little "dots" far out in the water. They were surfers braving the waves so far out.
One of the local fishermen arrived and was yelling at Kawika. Team R&B watched as R407 responded by lifting his head and looked right at the man who was delighted. The guy told them that he talks to
"da seal all the time".  They waited to make sure he didn't disturb R407, and after an hour the fisherman left and R407 remained.

Their last find was at Kahe where they spotted a seal on the rocks resting. The waves were strong covering most of the area. They were able to ID RL20 Kalua. They didn't see any other seals foraging today, only about 10 crazy snorkelers in the water with the big surf.

weaner PO4 - T98

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