Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:39 to 2:10 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
When she first arrived there was an Adult Male seal visiting TH76 Kala and PO8. He kepte moving towards Kala who kept herself between the AM and PO8. They had words at some point and then he left around 1:05 pm.
At 1:14 pm, Marilyn believes to be the same Adult Male hauled out at LPB and stayed there during the rest of her viewing session.
Meanwhile RH76 and PO8 moved up the beach for some play time and a feeding session. Both Kala and her pup seem to be doing the usual Mom and pup things.
Then there was about 40 feet on the Lanikai side of RH76 and PO8 were RL12 Aukai and her adopted kid PO3. PO3 was initially hidden behind Aukai and Marilyn did not see him until she finally moved. Then Aukai and PO3 went into the water where she kept close tabs on him. Then they hauled out and had a nursing session before PO3 moved a short distance away from her.

Team R&B did an early morning search and spotted two seals across the outfall area. They were too far away to get an ID and Team R&B had some appointments today.  Later in the day when they went back to check the duo was gone.
They did notice one critter way down and up on the rocks. They headed over to check and realized the area is really overgrown making it hard to see the seal. They took a couple of photos and the only thing they could tell was the seal is an Adult. There was nothing else for them to go on. They did not stay in this area for long.

Other than the one Unknown Adult they only other sighting were some active dolphins.

Also we have an update to Monday's post. Team R&B found RN04 with a female seal that they labeled as R406. NOAA got back to them to let them know that the female was in fact R604.  

Rabbit Island
Unknown Adult

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