Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from Noon to 1:25 om when the weather changed. There were just the mom and pups on island during that time.
About 60 feet Lanikai side of 2BS was RH76 Kala and her pup PO8. They looked like they may have just hauled out after a swim. The pup almost immediately started nursing and later went into snooze mode. It looked like PO8 has mom in a neck hold. Marilyn was happy that RH76 had finally hauled out where the pup could actually nurse without getting washed over by the waves.
About 60 feet on the Makapuu side of the Middle Cliff beach where Aukai RL12 and her adopted son
PO3. The pup was nursing as usual and then went into a brief snooze. When Marilyn next checked on them at 12:35, PO3 had already entered the water and Aukai was following him. Marilyn did not see them again.

Team R&B's first stop they found one seal. There was RM31 Kai snoozing on the right side, he was alone today.

Next they stopped at guard rails where they found Miss Lei Ola RH48. Seems she left her hide out from yesterday and now RH32 Kaale found her. 
While watching over these two they were treated to the dolphins doing their thing, having fun as usual.

Team R&B had to go into town today to pickup their old camera which was being repaired. 
By the time they got back they only saw one seal to end their day. They spotted a seal from afar and got one quick photo to ID KG54. She was on the sand alone and resting.

As a side note they did see the same woman from yesterday once again going for a swim in the outfall again. Not only are there warning signs, but this just is not a good place for someone to be swimming with all the fishers.

Rabbit Island

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