Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24, 2024 Monday's Dailies (part 1)

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕  Marilyn did view Rabbit Island today but is running late sorting through all the photos.  Please see part 2.

Team R&B first find was at Nimitz. There was RH48 Lei Ola pretty much in the same spot as yesterday. She was resting peacefully, no one bothering her during the time they were there. The girl is looking pretty green, it will be nice to see her when she gets her new coat.

At Kahe they found RM31 Kai on the rocks. It looked like he had just hauled in, wet, green and overall pretty healthy.  They spotted RH32 Kaale swimming by. He turned in and hauled out with RM31 for a brief visit and then left. 

Team R&B spotted KG54 from afar. She was alone, resting peacefully and looking shiny in the hot sun.
They also got to watch the dolphins in all their glory.

Last stop they saw a seal on the rocks, when they walked out to get an ID they couldn't find it. So they though it had taken off. They kept looking as they walked back and then there he was hidden in a small pond, all tucked in like a baby. It was RP30 Puka ( RM31's little brother)

RM31 & RH32

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