Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, posse pal Kathy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 10:35 to 12:25 pm and there were six seals seen during that time. 
Alone on LPB was an Adult Male: adult size, darker coat, male belly, unsure about tags.
Between 1BS and 2BS were the moms and pups:
RL12 Aukai is still nursing adopted make PO3. They seem to be staying relatively close to each other. IF PO3 nurses another size weeks, he's going to be a real porker.  
About 60 feet further towards the 2BS was RH76 Kala and her pup PO8. Mom and pup seem to be
doing fine. Marilyn saw one nursing session. Pup seems to get around well. Kala's applied N77 bleach was visible again. 
About 11:04 am Marilyn became aware of a seal almost directly down from the 2BS. Marilyn thinks this is RF34 Pua, PO3's biological mom, because of the scar on the seal's right rear side, slim size, female belly and at least one red tag.

A late email from Kathy O included a couple of photos of a large adult seal. She was out for her morning walk but the seal left around 9:30 am. She did her best to get some photos with her phone. She did not have any information on gender or markings, so its labeled as an Unknown Uknown.

Team R&B started their day at the bay and found one seal. There was R3CX Nalu alone on the rocks resting.

At another west side location was just one seal. There was R416 alone. He was on the rocks and got hit by the waves and fell off. Then he swam over to the next rock.

Next at Kahe they were surprised to find Lei Ola RH48. She recently weaned her pup so it was nice to see her back and they noted she is looking very green.  

Last stop at the outfall they spotted a seal foraging. There were snorkelers out in the water near by. They could not get an ID on the seal, but could see a cc scar on its back. They reported the seal as an Unknown Adult.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Unidentified 
Unknown Adult

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