Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 14, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to  you by Marilyn and Team R&BπŸ’• 

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from 12:30 to 1:50 pm and there six seals seen during that time. 
Initially alone in the middle of LPB was a Juvenile Female: large juvenile or possibly small sub-adult size, two red tags and a light gray female belly. At 12:48 pm an Adult Male joined the JF. The was smaller adult size, sandy dark male belly and two red tags. The AM departed about 1:08 and headed in the Makapuu direction.
Less than five minutes later the AM hauled out to RH76 Kala and
PO8 who were again in the same tide pool in the Middle Cliff area where they have been the last two days. As soon as Kala charged the AM, he left. Kala and PO8 seem to be doing fine, even though its frustrating not being to get a good look at them.
When the AM left Kala and pup he hauled out on the rocks flats on the Makapuu side of the beach at Middle Cliff. He then moved toward RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3. Aukai and PO3 were almost entirely hidden behind the waterfront rocks, but Marilyn did see Aukai's applied N13 bleach and a few flipper flexes from PO3. The AM hauled up above RL12, but was gone by 1:36 pm. Marilyn thinks RL12 was the U/U from yesterday. 

On their first stop they found one seal. It was RG28 Lefty on the rocks to the right. He is looking pretty big these days. Team R&B did not stay in the area, in that they don't feel safe in this area. 

They got word from on their posse of two seals at electric beach, They hurried over to check it out and found two seals on shore next to each other. There was RN04 Kainoa and R604. She looks thin this morning but doing okay. Kainoa being a big boy looked huge next to her.
Later in the day they watched from afar and saw there were folks
playing football by the seals. One guy got a little too close and Kainoa let him know, he leapt and barked at the man. The two seals eventually settled in.

Last stop at tracks they spotted KG54. It took them a bit to find a decent place to view her without drawing attention. She is 100% molted and went into the water to cool off.  It was good to see her doing well even if it was a quick visit.

As usual they spotted the dolphins and enjoyed the show. They spotted one they have been seeing the past couple of years, it has an odd fin.  They also noted one had a recent CC wound.

Rabbit Island
R604 & N04

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