Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:00 to 2:50 pm and there were six seals seen during that time.
When Marilyn started viewing there were four seals on LPB:
Near the LPB surge channel were Kala RH76 and PO8. At 1:10 om they entered the surge channel and swam for about 20 minutes. They hauled out about 1:20 and moved toward the back of the beach. Subsequently PO8 nursed and then went into snooze mode. Later the pup appeared to head toward the water but returned to Kala. Kala still appears to have some reserves to continue nursing. 
An Adult Female was on LPB: adult size, sand colored female belly and unsure about tags.
In the middle of LPB was RK37 Huia. She now appears about 50% molted with new skin and fur on her ventral side. RK37 is adult size, two red tags and a NB on her lower left side.
At about 2:35 pm Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 hauled out of the LPB surge channel and moved up the beach. Aukai moved toward the AF who turned and headed further up the beach. Aukai's applied N13 bleach was easily seen. She then rolled over to present her belly to PO3 who then nursed. Aukai still seems large for a seal that has nursed a pup for over four weeks.

Team R&B checked the usual west side spots. Finally when they arrived at Kahe they saw a seal hauled up on the rocks from afar The seal was looking around and getting hit by the waves. They headed over to check out which critter was there and were surprised to see it was their old buddy Lefty RG28.
While onsite there were several folks being rescued due to the bad currents. Also they were told there were lots of jelly fish in the waters. One woman was treated by the EMTs.

When they arrived to another west side location they saw R416 on the rocks resting. Then they saw
another seal approaching him. The seal was a good size and turned out to be R617. As R617 approached R416 they argued for a bit. After lots of barks and posturing the R416 let R617 haul out and the boys settled in.
Team R&B noted that R617 reminds them of our beloved Kermit. He has a big head like Kermit and a overall large body.

Rabbit Island
R416 & R617

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