Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 20, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:30 to 3:22 om and there where just the moms and pups seen during that time.
Kala RH76 and PO8 started out where they have been the past two days. PO8 was hidden behind Kala for much of the early part of Marilyn's viewing session. Then the pup crawled up the shore and played with a stick for 10-15 minutes. Then at 2:43 pm, RH76 Kala entered the water and the pup soon followed. The pup seemed unhappy in the water and about 2:56 pm, the pup hauled out on the waterfront rocks and mom followed and they both moved up the beach. Then PO8 started playing with another small branch. PO8 is three weeks old today.
RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3 were on the beach between 3BS and SRI. They started out separated from each other, but later they were near each other. Both Aukai and PO3 seem to be doing well.
The Masked Booby chick is getting larger and its winds are growing. Today one of the parents was with the chick.
Just as Marilyn was getting ready to leave, three kayakers landed on the island between 1BS and RH76. Marilyn submitted a report to the DLNR tip line and will follow up with photos. They did not go near either of the moms and pups, BUT- they shouldn't be landed on Rabbit Island at all.

Team R&B's first stop at a west side beach they found a big male seal. He was at the seal inlet and they discovered it was Nalu R3CX. He was alone and enjoying his peace and quiet.

Next they headed over to the outfall and found RL20 Kalua steaking fish from the fishers. One fisher said he stole five fish from him, that *&%#er.
Later they saw two people swimming in the outfall, which is not a safe place to be swimming.
They noticed RL20 seems to have a small hook or nick from a hook on his left side.

Needless to say Team R&B love watching the dolphins. Today was no exception watching their acrobatic abilities. 

They were checking a number of beaches coming up empty. Then at one point they turned and spotted two seals way down on Nimitz beach. They drove over and found RH48 Lei Ola and RH32 Kaale.  These two would make some cute pups!  There were some folks in area and were respectful.

Rabbit Island
RH48 & RH32

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