Monday, June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:10 to 1:24 pm and there were five seals seen during that time.
In the middle of LPB was an Adult Male: darker coat, dark brown male belly with one lighter patch near penial notch, not sure about tags. He entered the LPB surge channel about 1:18 pm and was not seen again.
Just on the 2BS side of the beach at Middle Cliff was RH76 Kala and PO8. Kala makes it difficult for the pup to nurse because she sits in the wave wash area. Marilyn did see PO8 nurse on at least two occasions. PO8 took off several time, twice toward the Middle Cliff beach and later further up the shore. Maybe the kid was trying to get out of the wave wash. Seems PO8 is a bit of a rascal and their still no hints of its gender.
About 50 feet Makapuu of the Middle Cliff beach were RL12 Aukai and her adopted pup PO3. He nursed, then they both snoozed. About 1 pm PO3 headed into the water, Aukai vocalized several times for PO3 to return, but she gave in and followed the pup into the water. Marilyn did not see them again.

Team R&B started their day at the bay and they immediately saw RH48 Lei Ola. Then they spotted a seal galumphing down the rocks was RL70 Leina.  They don't know why, but she took off and since they just got there they were happy she paused long enough for them to make an idea.  Meanwhile Miss Lei Ola is very very green, put on some weight and is probably going to molt soon.

Heading over to the outfall once again the found RL20 Kalua foraging. Then much to their shock they saw a swimmer come into the outfall almost to the jetty wall. This is where the fishers toss their lines. They were not happy and started yelling at the woman in a white bathing suit.  Team R&B has seen her in the area before.  They waited to see if RL20 would interact with her, but he was further out at the time.

Next they spotted a seal from afar. They were able to ID KG54 but
couldn't get a decent photo of her. She was resting peacefully and undisturbed. 

Lastly they stopped at the cliffs and found one seal. There was Mr. Puka RP30 alone and sleeping soundly. 
They were also treated to the dolphins going for broke...... amazing!

Rabbit Island

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