Friday, March 23, 2018

3/23/2018 Monk Seal Dailies (part 2) PLEASE KEEP YOUR DISTANCE !

Today one of our loyal posse pals was on the west side and experienced this unfortunate situation. While at a site there were two ladies climbing down to near a sleeping seal. The seal was RH48 Lei Ola, as they got closer every attempt was made to flag them off, but they kept getting closer and closer taking photos. Finally one of them looked up and our posse called out to stop, get away, but instead they sat. Our posse pal was able to get some pictures and when they noticed their picture was being taken they decided to climb back up the cliff. 

As luck would have it the DLNR was on site today giving tickets to people parking illegally, and karma was at it's best today because these two offenders got a ticket and weren't happy about it.

I mention this for two reasons:
1)  Volunteers, posse, folks looking after the seals are faced with rude and clueless people on a regular basis. You try your best to do what you can to advise them of what is good viewing practices. But it's extremely frustrating when people just don't listen.
2) For people who are out there viewing seals, if someone is asking you to back away please be understanding. They are trying to protect the seal and in some cases it's for your safety.  Also realize you are one of many many people they have asked, you are not unique, it happens everyday. We do think once you listen and learn about the Hawaiian monk seals you will be more than willing to help keep them safe and allow them to rest peacefully.

Okay that my nickels worth :-) 

 way too close

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