Wednesday, July 29, 2020

07/29/2020 Wednesday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Weather was very interesting today started overcast with light drizzles, then the sun came out and the wind picked up. Tide was high and waves were big.
My first seal sighting was on my second check on Lyman's side, I saw a seal down at Camp Erdman Pt. It was RO40 Ka'ena. He spent all day there.
Right in front of him a group of 4 Spotted Eagle Rays was cruising and playing.

At Hidden Beach RK40 Napua was alone sleeping peacefully. She may be 100% molted. As she didn't move, I didn't see her full back, what I saw was completely clean

At the point RL74 Kami was hauled out on some reefs in another unusual spot. She's so green.

My surprise was to find that little PO4 Kai has made it past the point to the other. Just like all of Nihoa's kids and grandkids born on this side they all ventured to the point then to the West side. They all have come back to molt and or give birth. Some like RN58 Luana and RK40 Napua have stayed on this side. It will be interesting to see what Kai will do. As far as we know, none of them have ventured off Oahu yet.

The photo of the birdie is one of a flock that come every morning to share breakfast with me.
More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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