Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 3rd & 4th - Lesley's Ka'ena Update

July 3rd:
Needless to say it was an extremely busy day.
I checked on RN58 Luana (D3 molt 10%) and RG28 Lefty a couple of times today. I caved in and put a sign up to make visitors aware that they were resting.
PO4 Kai D72 spread hi flippers and made it all the way to the small cove in the early morning. I took a sign down just as he was haulig out for a nap.
I did a really long one-on-one with a fishermen and family they were to be my/our eyes and ears to take care of Kai for the morning while I did the point side. 
When I came back hours later they greeted me gave me a full report of who did what, etc. Then they told he had left. From there I looked towards BB/Tables and saw a family pointing to the beach - ypu him or another seal was hauled out there. I thenked the family and tod them there would be more tomorrow for sure. They were very proud of their job.
I got to BB/Tables and found Kai sleeping peacefully on the sand among the rocks. If the high tide won't be to high he was good to be there thru the night.
For the 2nd day in the row I was skunked towards the point. 
More tomorrow🌺

July 4th:
Happy 4th of July and yuhuuu it's nearly over...
Last night we had an issue with youngsters lighting fireworks, we went down to the beach to look for the 3 seal that had been there in the evening and they had all left.
My 4th of July started with 4 freshly hauled out seals on the our beach front. Last nights "fright" did some good to RN58 Luana after 12 days laying around here + 4/5 days molting, her molt went from 20% to +85% .
RG28 Lefty VERY green, RW02 PVKauai being a nuisance and further down RG40 Holokai !! Yesterday I thought about asking when he was last seen cause I hadn't heard from him in a while and this morning there he was.
PO4 Kai D73 has expanded his flippers and I found him past the small sand cove and right in front of the parking lot rolling in a tide pool. HRW02 PVKauai became the fishermen's mascot the 3 camps had something to tell me about him.
On my way back in the early afternoon he was hauled out @ BB/Tables among some rocks. 
The trio was still @ Lyman's but Holokai was no where to be seen.

At the point 2 seals where in the outer pool. On left and one came in the Main Pool: RK36 Kauai Kolohe. He stayed for a while and left back to the outer pool. The second seal swam around the outer reefs and hauled out over the rocks into the Main Pool: RO40 Ka'ena
I did not see them together again
On my way back a fisherman stopped me at 10Mnts to point out a small seal @ 5 Mnts: RL98 Lina.
Yesterday morning I got a txt from a neighbor saying "our little visitor N34 Lina is here in front" I was going to go by in the afternoon but never made it. So today I txted back "She's here today!"  More tomorrow 

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