Sunday, July 26, 2020

07/26/2020 Sunday Hurricane "Dud less" Monk Seal Dailes

First and foremost we on Oahu and the Island Chain have been spared the wrath of Hurricane Douglas.  ( Kauai still waiting for it to pass by them but for the most part the storm stayed north of the islands).  I thank all of you for sending us well wishes and grateful that mother nature took care of us.

Now even before we knew Douglas was going to spare us, Team Billand was out checking on a few locations. At 8 am they spotted a seal bobbing up and down by Kahe and heading to the rocks. They noticed his natural bleach on right side proving it to be Kalani RN14.  He was looking at something that had his attention. 
They moved to the right and there was Ka'ale RH32. He's been away for a week, so they were happy to see him. He's looking green, good body condition, no new markers, and most important no hooks. 
He was aware of his bosom buddy RN14.
Kalani approached cautiously going up on rocks. Ka'ale took off and Kalani followed. They went out to sea swam around, Kaale came into the shallows rolling about.
Kalani came over to the rocks barking, but Kaale just lay there. He must be tired just resting in the shallows.

At 9:45 they found RF28 in the shallow pond snoozing like a hippo. His natural bleach on left shoulder was visible making an easy ID.

Then they spotted R3CX Nalu on his rock near the water front rocks. He is looking greener day by day. Looks like he's getting fatter, maybe stocking up for his molt.  
Both seals were resting and content, no interaction while Team Billand was there. 

Winds were picking up, skies getting grey so it was time to call it a day.

Ka'ale RH32
 RN14 Kalani
R3CX Nalu

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