Friday, July 31, 2020

07/31/2020 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

And just like that another month ends - tomorrow is already AUGUST !!!
I wonder how long it's going to take to see the first X-mas things at Costco !?!?!

I had a very interesting morning. As I arrived @ 10Mns Beach I spotted 3 seals.
RL98 Lina was further down the beach and RK40 Napua and an U/F were near each other.
as the tide was rising Lina made her way up the beach. Napua woke up tossed and turned and gallumphed her way to the new girl. There was a slight interaction, more of an acknowledgement of each one's presence, then both settled down.

I documented the new girl from muzzle to hind flippers, she didn't show any ID markings and is untagged - documentation was sent to NOAA
She's individual seal #33 documented by me in Ka'ena State Park since Jan 1st, 2020.

I had people waiting for me on this side, so I had to leave.  Hopefully, I'll see her again tomorrow ğŸŒº

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