Tuesday, July 14, 2020

07/14/2020 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

In the seal world we also had a busy day
Started off finding an overnighted RK40 Napua @ Lyman's West access. I was able to see her on all side, she tossed the hook that was spotted on her chest yesterday.
Further down the beach also overnighted RG28 Lefty was near the waterline. 
On my second check Lefty was in the water playing with PO4 Kai D83.

At the point RL74 Kami was hauled out on a reef on the flats near Nihoa's Pool
In the Main Pool 2 seals were going at each other, I was doing outreach and the few photos I took did not give me 100% IDs. Male behavior, tagged seals and pit scars on backs. Possible players: Ka'ena, Kauai Kolohe and PVKauai - I'll have to go with 2 U/Us
One of the seals swam around came to Back Beach then swam back to the Main Pool, more words with the seal there then we saw it heading out towards the Runway.
Heading back, we saw RW02 PVKauai swimming in Ka'ena's Pool and settling on the little sand beach to sleep. I'm sure he was the swimmer.

Back on this side RN58 Luana was hauled out @ Lyman's West beside RG28 Lefty and RK40 Napua was further down,
PO4 Kai was hauled out all by himself at BB/Tables.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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