At 7 am Team Billand found RF28 back with Nalu R3CX on water front rocks. Both were fine and peacefully hanging out together and not at each others throats.
RF28 moved up higher while Nalu kept an eye on him the whole time.
His hook was visible in the same spot. He looked to be resting peacefully next to RF28.
Nalu was in the water hole sound a sleep.
So good to hear from our posse pal Vicki. She got lucky today, in that when she headed out she didn't see any seals. But around 5:30 she was getting ready to head out when she spotted K80 who must have just hauled out because she was still wet. She was snoozing, stretching and sneezing.
R3CX Nalu and RF28
RL20 Kalua
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