Team Billand got to the outfall before 8 am, sunny skies, hot and humid, hard to believe yesterday we dodged a major hurricane. But there they spotted their favorite forager in the ourfall. Ka'ale was doing 6 minute dives and spent some time playing with a stryo foam plate. They left him at the outfall doing his thing.
Later after 12 they found him hauled out at a nearby beach alone. He is looking very green, very fat and hook free. There were a couple of folks at the beach, far enough away to not bother him.
They returned at 11:30 and RF28 was still in the same area and alone.
Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island today from 1:40 to 3 pm. She saw nine seals today another big day.
There were four seal between LPB and 1BS area.

Seal 2- is most likely PO5 based on weaner size and coloration with no tags. Marilyn never got a good view of the belly but appears to be a recent weaner. PO5 has been given the nickname Makanalani
Seal 3 - adult size, male belly and two tags. Marilyn is pretty sure there was an applied N11 bleach which would make this RG32. He arrived to join the others around 1:50 and visited Seal 1, then Seal 2 (PO5) and then Seal 4 in turn. He finally settled down next to Seal 4.
Seal 4 - juvenile to subadult size, female belly, new coat and two tags.
Between the 3BS and SRI were 3 seals:
Seal 5 - juvenile to subadult seal, might be female, and new coat. This seal entered the water at 3 pm
Seal 6 - adult male, older coat, male belly, not sure about tags. He was initially alone but then galumphed over to SRI to join Seal 7.
Seal 7 - molting adult female, most likely RL12 Aukai. Molt is primarily on the upper chest area.
The Makapuu side of SRI were two seals:
Seal 8 - adult male with darker belly.
Seal 9 - weaner male with yellowish belly no tags. Real question is if its PO1 or PO3.
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