As most of you know we are hunkering down waiting to see if Hurricane Douglas hits the island chain with a bang or a whimper. Either way I hope everyone stays safe and we get through this one. Not to mention our Covid numbers have been increasing over the past week, numbers of great concern. So stay home, mask up and keep your distance. :-)
Team Billand were at the outfall when they spotted a seal speeding away towards tracks. They headed over and found two seals. R3CX Nalu was on water front rocks, snoozing the day away. It was quite windy making getting pictures a challenge.
Next was RF28 resting in his little puka and he wouldn't show his tags. But his natural bleach on left should and hook scar on lip were visible.
The seals on the west side have been scarce, Team Billand been out there but having a hard time finding them. At noon today they were thrilled to find Leia RL42 and Kalani RN14. Seems these two have an ongoing romance, guess who will/should be a daddy next year.

Marilyn observed Rabbit Island from 11 - 1:30 pm and spotted seven seals.
First there was a group of three seals on left point beach.
Seal 1: Adult male with darker coat and belly and tags.
Seal 2: Juvenile female with an older coat with some green and two tags. This seal has a distinctive dark patch on it lower lip or chin.
Seal 3: Juvenile male with a new coat and two tags. Initially Marilyn thought maybe it was one of the weaners but when he moved up the beach the seal had two tags. It's possibly RL47 born on RI last year.

There was a second group of three seals at Seal Rock Inlet.
Seal 4: Adult female with an old coat and two tags. During Marilyn's observations she noted a couple of small breaks in the fur, which indicates someone is starting he molt. Marilyn feels confident this is Aukai RL12 who returned to Rabbit Island to molt.
Seal 5: Adult male with an older coat; not sure if there were tags. This could be RG32, since Marilyn may have seen an applied bleach but couldn't read the number.
Seal 6: Adult male seal with tags who was at the top of Seal Rock Inlet. He entered about 11:30 and then about 11:55 he is the seal that joined the three seals at LPB. He then ran off Seal 1 and pestered Seal 2.
Seal 7: At 12:35, a weaner hauled out onto the left side of LPB. Marilyn is pretty sure this is PO5 based on size, coloration, no tags and what appears to be a female belly.
Let's hope all our beloved seals enjoy the surf tomorrow and get some peace without all the humans on the beaches during the hurricane.
Nalu R3CX
Kalani RN14
Kalani and Leia
Rabbit Island Seal Trio at LPB
Seals 1 - 6 - 2
Seal 4
Seal 7 PO5
Seal Party
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