Friday, July 24, 2020

07/24/2020 Friday Act-With-Care & Hurricane Douglas watch - Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand.  We are expecting hurricane douglas to hit sometime on Sunday, so everyone please be careful AND prepare for the worse and hope for the best.

Team Billand found Kalani RN14 at 2:30 this afternoon.  Weird there were no other seal around or sightings. Kalani was alone on the rocks.

Shortly after at another west side beach they found RF28 resting
peacefully alone.  Then Team Billand noticed three women in the area and sure enough they walked right over to him. One of them got really close. RF28 was aware of their presence and was looking up.  They all walked around to get their photo op which they'll post on social media. (stoopid humans)

Team Billand's only other find today was RL42 Leia. They spotted a green seal between the rocks. They waited first seeing the flippers, then the head. The critter galumphed up on rocks, turning around so they could clearly see the tags L42. Here's hoping she stays put and no one notices her.

RN14 Kalani
Humans being annoying 
RL42 Leia

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