Today I went out solo.
On my second check of the beaches, I found a freshly hauled out KG54 Huaka'i, she spent the day there. Further down the same beach R330 Squinty had also hauled out.
RL98 Lina overnighted on a sandy beach. I arrived on time to get a group of 12 people doing selfies with her. Hours later when I checked on her again she was still there sleeping away
RW02 PVKauai showed up after being MIA for a couple of days and was also part of some selfie sessions.
RO40 Ka'ena has a beach for himself, I went down wind to document him and wowwwww you could smell him from miles away.
I went up to see our 1st Laysan Albatross of the season and he was still resting in the same place. No other LAAL was seen today.
More soon 

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