Sunday, November 28, 2021

11/28/2021 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Lesley and Team R&B💕   Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies. I know she's been so busy so I was happy to get a weekly update. This "might" be the new norm.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:55 and there were four critters on island today. 
Three seals were on LPB (left point beach)
There was a very large molting adult (MA). If this seal had not been molting, Marilyn would have guessed it was a pregnant female. (that's big!)  She could not see if it was male or female because of the loose skin and fur on its lower ventral side. The upper two-thirds of the ventral side has lost its fur, so its about 30% molt so far. The seal has least one tag on its RRF. She saw several flipper flexes but never saw a tag.
Nearby was a SA/M: subadult to small adult size, newer coat, two tags and a cream colored male belly. This is not the same A/M that has been on Rabbit Island lately.
Next was a J/F: juvenile size, two tags and light female belly. Marilyn didn't see a NB so this is not RP24, but could be RM26.
By the 3BS:
By herself was a SA/F: subadult size, newer coat, cream female belly, dark patch on lower neck. Marilyn wasn't sure about tags and doesn't think this is the new SA/F that has been around lately.

Team R&B headed over to the outfall. They were waiting and looking for seals. There were no seals but they did see a Honu with a hook.
From there they found R407 at tracks. He was alone today and there was a zone set up for him, with signs and ropes.

They headed over to another west side location and found Kekoa Alii RK72. His stub of a tag was visible. Then they heard some flapping, not sure what it was until there was a snort. There in the little pond was seal playing. It took 30 minutes of playing and then Lefty RG28 popped up. He is a big boy.

Team R&B went over to the bay. It took them forever to get a decent photo of RL20. He kept foraging all day, never landed on their watch. (I guess its good he comes up for air.)  
Along with RL20 foraging, R3Cx Nalu was out there. He eventually hauled out on the rocks.
There was another critter, who they just couldn't get an ID, it was reported as an U/U.

Last but not least they were checking out an area. While looking they thought they saw a slither of a seal's belly, tan in color. Then the rocks moved and sure enough there was a seal. They got nearer to the area and on a small patch of sand there was little cutie RP30/31 Puka.  His applied N30 bleach was showing, we love those applied bleaches!

Rabbit Island
R407 Kawika
Puka RP30

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