The same cast of seals have been coming and going all week:
R303 BG, RO40 Ka'ena and RN14 Molokai are in different stages of their full molt
RL74 Kami (still with her hook) and RL98 Lina (back from her TBR staycation)
RO16 Right Spot did a special appearance on Thanksgiving evening followed by R330 Squinty.
KG54 Huaka'i has been up and down the beaches. Sometimes alone and sometimes with the other seals
RN58 Luana has been hauling out solo and it different spots than usual. She's looking VERY healthy.
Her eldest sister RL42 Leia also came by for a day. She's looking great and healthy.
In the bird world a lot has been going on:
On Tuesday the first 10 LAAL (Laysan Albatross) nest were counted, meaning nest with an egg. On Friday there were 24.
Our BFA (Black Footed Albatross) has shown up again an now with his Misses
The Black Noody is still around and solo if it's the same one.
The Glaucous-Winged Gull has been here for 2 weeks now. I wonder if it's the same one that was here last year at the exact same time.
On Friday I was parking the Polaris and saw a Pheasant run up from our beach path. I was happy for him because he was banded meaning he made it down over and down the mountain from the hunting area. This guy escaped being a Thanksgiving Roast !
In the 2 legged humans world: they were back in full force this week. Travellers from everywhere, mainland, abroad and locals. Most respectful, some clueless and others...well in need of a lot of outreach and education.
More next week 

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