Team Billand found the the usual suspects at the west
side hang out. First critter up was Kekoa RK72, he hauled up to high rock for the day. Then Team Billand saw another seal coming up to the right, turns out to be Kawena RH36. ( I guess this east side girl enjoys hanging out with the boys on the west side).
Kawena became agitated, looking back, and while Barb was taking her picture another seals head was next to her. This would be RW02 PvKauai next to her and stayed by her side all day.
Team Billand sees two more critters coming in. They both did a lot of rolling and turning and playfully biting at each other. Team Billand ID'd Kolohe RW22 and Kaale RH36, however Team Billand had to leave while they were still in the water.
After a wild goose chase at white plains looking for two seals, Team Billand headed back to the westside. Now it looks like Kolohe hauled out and is on high rocks and he was joined by RN14 Kalani. Kolohe barked at Kalani, so Kalani moved towards Kekoa who is hidden in the rocks.
Team Billans decided to take a hike out to Ka'ena West. At the 20 they spotted a fat greenish seal with lots of scars. The tags read 7AV, it's R376 the female from Kauai. She was on the rocks snoozing alone and just fine.
Team Billand made it out to KW 40 and did find another critter. It took some time to get an ID but with persistence and a different angle they could see it was RL42 Leia. She was so well hidden in the rocks, but the scar on her head gave them the best clue. She is looking very plump and healthy.
An evening email from Melody showed she had a some quality time with RH92 this afternoon, our other female visitor from Kauai. A good Samaritan called security about her arrival and in turn they contacted Melody. She put up a zone, but little RH92 was so well hidden then even when folks came to look they couldn't find her until she was pointed out. Thank you Melody.
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