All good things must come to an end (until the next good thing). Team T&D's last day on Big Island they were on the way to the airport and made a little detour. They decided to check one last time and it was worth it, as they found little

On their way back on the road they made one more stop and this was the big pay off! There was RB12 Sadie! I know Marilyn was THRILLED, this being her first time seeing her without looking through a scope from an 1/8 of a mile away. Sadie was born 2007 on Rabbit Island so she is almost 12 years old. Today Sadie was ID'd by her female belly and her RB13 tag. Taking a good look at her Marilyn did not see any real identifying marks. She looks healthy, and who knows if she is going to pup this year.... I just hope if she does she goes back to Rabbit Island. I am very happy that Mrs. Whisperer got to meet Miss Sadie today!
Team Billand started their day out at Plains after receiving a call about a seal haul out. When they arrived the seal was in the middle of a nice zone set up by the Lifeguards. They were able to ID Pohaku RO28. She is looking good, she doesn't have any new marks, other than her older cookie scars and scratches on her face. Team Billand left the site when the rains came.
Next stop they spotted a seal sleeping up against the wall at the Ewa Beach access. There was RH92 sleeping in peace. There were lots of footprints around, but while Team Billand was there no one was around. She was ID'd by her H92 tag, scars on right side of face and scar on right fore flipper.
Team Billand headed to the westside and stopping at one of the usual hot spots, they initially spotted two males at the site. Kekoa RK72 snoozing up on high rocks to the left. Then there was RN14 Kalani who was also snoozing, and looking silly with wet and dry marks on his fur. They did see his natural bleach, three scratches on the left side of his head.
While they were there he barely moved.
While observing the two males, another seal came in landed mid rock. It was RW02 PvKauai, who moved up the rocks made a turn and then slithered down into the rocks to hide. They did see his tag, thank goodness because he did a great job hiding.
After RW02 the next critter to arrive hauled up on high rocks, but there was a man yelling at the seals from the rocks. Team Billand was able to ID Ka'ale RH32, who then moved from high rocks and came to lower rocks. He was very alert and aware of the man yelling, not looking very happy.
Pohaku R028
Kekoa RK72
RN14 Kalani
RW02 PvKauai
Ka'ale RH32
Donna, I think you had a typo. RK24 is Kaiwi's boy. Is it RK26 for Manu`iwa?
I enjoy Monk Seal Mania blog and read every day! Sometimes I repost the seal update to my page with Monk Seal Mani blog credit.
Mahalo for checking our sweet seals all the time even rainy and windy bad weather!
Thank you Keiko !!! Good catch, It for sure was a typo.
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