Team Billand went out to check the popular westside beach where there have been numerous critters hanging out lately. And just like yesterday there was a party of five.
Then the phone rang and the call was about a seal trying to haul out at plains, so Team Billand left to head over. When they got to the site a zone was set up by.... the life guards! Team Billand talked with the folks who saw the seal coming up and seems due to the large crowds the seal took its time.
After a little lunch break Team Billand returned to the west side beach and now there were SIX seals. (I'm starting to feel like this is groundhog day where the same events keep replaying). Seal number six was with Kaa;e RH32 and Kolohe RW22 on high rocks. Seems this girl Kawena RH36 likes hanging out with the boys. Ka'ale was bothering her, she fought back and slapped him.
Eventually, Kawena makes it over Kaale and heads towards Kekoa, and fat boy Kaale follows her. They both stop and remain next to each other.
Another great amazing day for Team Billand with all six, Kawena, Kolohe, Kaale, RIP, RW02 and Kekoa.
On their way home they made one more stop to a Leeward Beach and found RL42 Leia. She was alone, her tag were seen, scar on fore flipper. Thankfully she was resting peacefully, and went unnoticed by the large groups of people around the corner.
An entirely different species, Team Billand made a stop to watch a couple of beautiful frisky horses.
Kaale RH32
Kekoa Alii RK72
Kolohe RW22
RW02 PvKauai
Buster V08
Kawena RH36 - Ka'ale and Kekoa
RL42 Leia
Horse Play
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