Vicki sent some photos of her observations of Rabbit Island. We both agree there is at least one seal on the shore. Now whether there are others or just rock formations is unclear. I am planning a trip out to the pier tomorrow so I will double check on the "seal rocks".
Out at the point Team T&D found Ka'ena on the runway, and R366 on the rocks by the outer pool. There were lots of whales out today. Team T&D also checked in on the albatross and saw a poor chick get squished by its parents ( I assume everything worked out and the chicky is okay).
Team T&Ds last find of the day was a bigger. They were rechecking on Luana when they spotted a rock move out of the corner of their eyes. It was RK40 Napua, this little girl has been hiding these days. Sadly she still has a hook and leader, but we all know from Lei Ola as long as she is eating and getting around she will be fine until they can get to her.
Team Billand checked out the westside beach and found RW02 PvKauai on mid high rocks to the right and to his left was Kawena RH36 on the rocks. There was no interaction between the two of them.
Early afternoon they were in Nanakuli, and there they found da Benny. He was in a marked off zone with signs but no ropes. He is looking good, big and healthy with his tag showing.
Back at the westside seal party beach, they spotted Kaale who finally came in and up mid rocks with Kolohe and Kekoa. Kaale RH32 was fidgety, rolling to the right then left.
Kekoa and Kolohe were unaffected by his fidgeting and stay sleeping close to each other.
Team Billand did the Ka'ena West trek and spotted a critter but couldn't see tags. He finally moved and they spotted his cookie scar on back and bleach spot. It was R3CU, he was getting wet as the tide rose. He hung out in the shallows and Team Billand continued their trek.
On their way back they checked and he was gone, but there was a
huge turtle in his spot now.
At the 20 they spotted a seal on its side snoring in the shallow pond. No tags, but scar on head, two line scars on back and they ID'd Squinty R330.
Last stop of the day was on their way home. There was RL42 Leia slumped over the rocks, snoozing by herself. Her tags were visible easy to back an ID. L42 remained on the rocks, snoozing away. She looked pretty dry.
Rabbit Island
Rk40 Napua
RW02 PvKauai
Kawena RH36
Kekoa Alii and Kolohe
Kolohe RW22
Benny RE74
Big Honu
Squinty R330
Rl42 Leia
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