Team Tammy and Dave still enjoying the Big Island and having wonderful luck finding the small cast of critters that reside there. When they first arrived at the site they spotted RW34. While onsite they were told by a volunteer that RK26 was there yesterday. Team T&D decided to walk around and explore the area and when they returned they noticed the SRA was larger.
And there was a good reason, because now there are two, one very LARGE RW34 and a small
RK26. Here is the interesting tidbit: RK26 is RA20s pup which makes her grandmother R5AY Honey Girl!
RW34 was not happy having RK26 approaching.
Melody was out by a fishing pier near her home and was waiting to snap a photo of a ship coming in and someone on site said "Hey there's a turtle" So Melody looked over and much to her surprise there was not a turtle but a monk seal. She called the hotline and also reported to the Pearl Harbor Patrol so they could issue a warning that a seal was foraging in the channel. There was no positive ID but certainly not a very large critter. Melody got a great little video clip of the UU.
Team Billand went out to KoOlina and found Kolohe RW22. They checked the site and could not find any signs and called the hotline. They were able to keep folks back and that is when Auntie Nettie came with signs that she took from Paradise Cove for now. They put up the signs but no rope.
Team Billand then headed out and stopped at a west side beach and found three seals huddled together. We'll call this group the Three Royal Ladies .... What a nice find.
RL42 Leia, RH48 Lei Ola, and RJ58 Kaimana. They tried to check out the marks on RL42 but they seemed just fine. They could see two punctures on right of her head. She looks just fine and she is looking large. On their way back from Ka'ena West all three girls were still in the same area sleeping in peace.
Well if finding the Three Royal Ladies wasn't enough Team Billand found Three Dudes.
First there was Kaale RH32 on the rocks laying on his side. When the sirens went off he raised up and then went back to sleep.
Then they found Kekoa and PvKauai on the lower rocks together sleeping . Team Billand did not stay long as they wanted to make the Ka'ena West Trek.
On the Ka'ena West Trek they found a little seal very well hidden in the exact same spot as yesterday (RK88).... But today this critter was hidden even better. They unfortunately could not get a good shot. They will guess it's RK88 but the little buggah did not give them a tag shot.
The trails were super muddy, view was clear, no rain and rather than press their luck they left before mother nature changed her mind.
Honey Girl's grand daughter
Back off kid you're bugging me
RW34 - SHE is HUGE and if I didn't know better I would say she was pregnant with a litter
Video of UU at Pearl Harbor
Leia RL42, RH48 Lei Ola, and RJ58 Kaimana
How Sweet are these three?
RL42 Leia
Kekoa and RW02
RW02 PvKauai
Puna RK88??? is that you
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