Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 6, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

It was a beautiful morning to monitor Ka'ena Pt. Nature was at it's best, temperature, colors, wild animals, birds and whales I had it all.

First find was check the front of the house and finding R353 (F) right there in front. Later when I came back from the point I saw a second seal there. Went over to ID it and found RG
40 "Holokai" side by side with her.

The Albatross eggs have started hatching and we have several chicks in the colony. I got to see 4 of them !!

Whales were everywhere and putting on a fantastic show.

This afternoon we had our first NSOF (North Shore Ocean Fest) meeting. Mark your calendars  Saturday JUNE 1,2019 @ Turtle Bay     More tomorrow ğŸŒº

 Whales and more whales

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