Saturday, February 23, 2019

February 23 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Point Update

It was another gorgeous breathtaking day out here.
From first light till now whales have been putting on shows non stop. Adult albatrosses were enjoying the Trades while the chicks were sunbathing in the nests.
Little R366 (M) was on the outer reefs of the Main Pool.
On our way back I found RN58 "Luana" in a spot I've never seen seals but had heard about. She was half body fitted in a whole in the reef and the other half was in the water. She seemed very comfortable even with a piece of reef poking her side.

Perhaps today was as yesterday when I only saw 1 seal and when Team T&D came out later and had a handful of seals.  More soon ğŸŒº

No this isn't me... although this looks like fun too! Motorized parachuting. 

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