Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update from 2/25/2019

It was a chilly wet afternoon when I went out yesterday.
Albatrosses were playing in the wind and the chicks were sticking their heads up from the nests. Whales were blowing and breaching.
R303 "BG" was in her pool and R366 (M) was hauled out up on the outside reef.
The new kid has been in the same area for over a week now. Wonder if he's going to stick around?

Tide has been extremely low all week and it has been interesting to see all the changes on Main Beach @ KPt.
Hikers have been pilling sea debris and we have been removing some and hauling out loads on every outing. It looks so much better already.

So far no seals in front today.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº


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