Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11, 2019 Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Yesterday as the apex of the "big waves storm" was happening I did another beach check. I was walking on the Naupaka line when I saw a big set rolling in so I moved fast towards the Big Camp site and up the trail. I turned back to look at it roll in. A big log came tumbling in with the waves, turned out it wasn't a log but R303 "BG". She found her way to a Naupaka corner and settled down. I sat on the hill and watched her do so, I could see her bellie moving it was really special. There was a second seal swimming but it never hauled out. Just before sunset we did another check "BG" was still there and on our way back from checking Camp Erdman we saw the swimmer again.
This morning I went down for my early beach check and saw a fresh trail into the water from where "BG" had spent the night.
Later in the NARS out at Back Beach I found R3CU sleeping near the Big Rock. There was a fresh HMS trail on the beach (we had a downpour 30 Mnts before) heading down to the water with also fresh foot prints near the wallow. 
As I was looking at the waves hitting the reefs I saw a seal in the shallow water hauling out. It was R330 "Squinty". He made his way further up he beach and went to sleep.

We have 2 new beaches on Main Beach. The left side of the beach has to openings to the water, the big waves washed corals and covered those entrances making 2 beaches that join each other on the water side. It's the second time I see that happen but not as big.
More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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