First find of the day for Team Billand came at 7:30 am when they spotted a seal up on high rocks snoozing. They were able to ID RW22 Kolohe. They spotted a second critter foraging doing 6 minute dives. The critter finally hauled in and was ID'd as Kekoa Alii RK72. Kekoa faced Kolohe who let him pass with a whoop. Kekoa headed for his water hole and once again spent the day.
Once again they spotted a seal foraging and then he suddenly came in. They ID'd R3CU as he approached from the left side slithering in, he spotted Kolohe, and then backed down, gave a bark and left by heading back into the water. He continued to foraging for a bit and then he was gone.
Team Billand next critter to haul out was RW02 PvKauai and he came in with another seal. RW02 was to the right and hauled up by RIP. The other seal is an unknown and Team Billand did not see it again no ID.
Next seal is our beautiful miss Lei Ola RH48 who landed mid rocks and went right to sleep. She stayed in the same spot all day.
At noontime Team Billand went to check plains where they found
RO28 Pohaku. She was already roped off and snoozing. She has the same rusty looking marks on her chest. Wonder what causes that.
After leaving Pohaku Team Billand spotted a U/U foraging by Campbells. They could not get an ID, but the seal was doing 6 minute dives. They watched for an hour and could only determine seal had a clean coat and no marks.
They did see some great whale action too!
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