Thursday, April 28, 2022

04/28/2022 Thursday's Daily

Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy and Team R&B💕.

Tammy met up with Lesley and they hiked to the point. They had a fantastic 9 seal day!  They also were entertained by a lot of whale activity. A couple of whales doing multiple fluke slaps, even a mom and young calf. 
Their first stop was to say good morning to Luana and PO5, who were having a swim session. 
Next was a surprise, in that neither Tammy or Lesley had ever seen a seal in this spot. The seal exploring new spots was RL98 Lina.
Another find was a big seal and it was none other than BG303. 
Then they found two seals near each other. There was ole' Ka'ena RO40 and Kami RL74.
PvKauai RW02 was next on the list.  Then initially they didn't see the next seal because she was well hidden. Once they spotted her it was an easy because of all her scars. R604 Kiane.
On their way back they found Squinty R330.  Of course they had to make sure they made another stop to say goodnight to Luana * Mauna 

Team R&B started their morning finding one seal on the rocks. They ID'd Lefty RG28, and noticed he started to get fidgety, and they couldn't figure out why.  Then they saw a dog on the rocks walking around and sniffing the area.  Suddenly Lefty started to galumph away from his spot, leaned over the side of the rocks. That was it he went into the water and took off.
They watched closely and RG28 went around the area to the other side, and hauled out. But then he left and they never saw him for the rest of the day.

At another west side location there was their little dude, who had the whole place to himself. . Pe'ekai RP84 was snoozing on high rocks. 
They got to see lots of dolphins out today. They were all around and then the people came and started following them.

At their last stop they found a seal resting in the sun on the rocks. At first they couldn't tell who this way and thankfully she showed her tags. It was RL70 Leina.
Before calling it a day they noticed from afar two large honus on shore. It was a beautiful sunny day being enjoyed by all.

Mom and Pup
Lefty RG28
Pe'ekai RP84
RL70 Leina
TWO Honu

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