Tuesday, April 19, 2022

04/19/2022 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕.  Please see the next post about the 2022 pupping season!  Also I want to take this opportunity to wish Lesley a very Happy Birthday.  And I think this year she got one of the best gifts ever, although a few days early.

Team R&B did something very different today, they did not do the west route. They wanted to try new ground and what better motivation than to go check out the pups. They were joined by posse pal Amy and her family. 
First stop was Luana RN58 and pup PO5. When they arrived pup was snoozing and then woke up and navigated around mom a lot. It did a water investigation but returned to mom after she called out once.
There was on feeding, but they couldn't find a good viewing spot. By the time they did the feed was over.

Along with seeing Luana and PO5 they noticed a small green seal snoozing outside the pupping zone. There was Kami RL74 on her own.  They were also treated to a petral taking a break from the strong winds. They were extremely lucky to see it on land.
Then Team R&B and posse pal Amy with family went to visit another undisclosed site where RH92 Nalani and PO4 were. They got rained on twice but well worth the trip because Mom and pup were pretty cute. 
PO4 was very active, was seen in the water with Mom and then after a swim had a feeding. There was another seal with RH92 and PO4, but Team R&B couldn't get its tag but do know it was a female.

Then the real fun began, they spotted two more seals in the water,
fighting and coming their way. They ID'd one as a female RK80 and she was with a male. The male had a cc scar on left fore flipper, a scar on it side and over left eye. They determined it was RN04 Kainoa and he was going after RK80. He galumphed over a 100 ft on the reef/water, she tried to get away from him but then there were times she seemed to like being with him. 
Kainoa left RK80 and headed to Mom and Pup area. Oh this isn't good, Kainoa met up with the U/F and they fought. Seems Kainoa being a horny young male was ready for action but wasn't going to
win over anyone here. He left the U/F and went back to RK80 for more fun. RK80 took off, he returned up the hill to the U/F and they settled in taking a snooze.  Glad he didn't try to bother mom.

To end their beautiful day, Amy's sharp eye saw a bird land, it was a bristle thigh curlew. Then they had a beautiful Albatross fly over them. 

Luana and PO5
Kami RL74
RH92 & PO4
RH92 - PO4 and U/F 
Kainoa RN04 and RK80
Kainoa and U/F
Kainoa & U/F - RH92 & PO4

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