Friday, April 22, 2022

04/22/2022 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕  Also a special note Saturday 4/23 is Kai RM31 turns two years old. He was born in 2020 - Happy Birthday Kai!

Marilyn was out today and before heading over to view Rabbit Island she checked a few spots on the east side. Between 10:55 and 11:45 she spotted a HMS doing 8 minute dives. She is ID'ing the seal as RK24 Bruno/Wawamalu by: subadult size, two red tags (blurry photo of K25 tag) scar on the left side of his head and a split lower lip.
Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:30 to 3:30 and there were two seals on island today.
On flat rocks between 3BS and SRI was a S/F: subadult size, at least one red tag and a lighter gray-
green female belly.
Well hidden behind the waterfront rocks behind SRI was a U/U: guessing size at subadult, but she never saw the ventral size or rear flippers, so it must go as a unknown/unidentified.

Team R&B started their day at the bay and were delighted to find R3CX Nalu back on the west side. They will keep a close eye on this guy. There was no blood today and he is acting like his normal self. Very grateful he continues to do well.
To the left of the rocks there lay RL20 Kalua in an awkward position, making it hard to see him. He was resting and seemed ok.

At another west side location they got a special treat. There were two young males in the same area snoozing together. There was Pe'ekai RP84 with RM31 Kai (who will be 2 on Saturday).
Team R&B walked around to check the area and when they returned Pe'ekai had dipped in the shallows for 5 minutes. At first they thought he left, but nope he was still there.

Off to another location they found L7 little dude from Molokai snoozing on the rocks alone.  They looked away for a minute and turned around and he was gone. They hurried over to see if he was in the pond, but he wasn't.  They moved out of the area and kept looking back wondering where did he go?
Then out he popped, galumphing back up to different spot. Little rascal was well hidden.

Team R&B got word of two seals on shore at a busy tourist location. They headed over and found Aukai RL12 with RH32 Kaale.  There were signs (very short signs that one could easily trip over). People were just walking right by them.  Aukai and Kaale were snoozing close to each other, no drama, just peacefully resting.
Team R&B had to take care of some errands so their day was cut short.

Rabbit Island
Nalu R3CX
RL20 Kalua
Pe'ekai RP84
Kai Happy Birthday RM31
two boys just chilling
L7 little Molokai kid
Aukai RL12 and RH32 Kaale

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