Tuesday, April 26, 2022

04/26/2022 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕 

Team R&B started their day with a text of a seal on shore at one of the west side tourist beach. They went to check it out and they found RN14 Kalani. He was on shore and alone.
They went and got three "short" signs and strategically placed them around Kalani. They called the hotline right away. Team R&B were asked how many people were on the beach and if there was an SRA?  SRA -with short signs doesn't do much as people were walking right by them. 
Team R&B spent time educating folks, and asking for them to give the seal some space to rest.
They let the hotline know they weren't staying and left at 9:15.  Hope Kalani was okay for the day.

At another west side location they saw one seal foraging in the later afternoon. They took lots of photos
hoping it would help them make an ID. They know it was an adult, brownish coat and two red tags. Unknown if it was a male or female. The seal was reported as an U/U unknown unidentified.  (They thought maybe it might be RH76 or even Lei Ola but could not confirm).

As of this time these were the only two sightings that I received from Team R&B.  I don't know if there is more or they had a very short day.  Either way I appreciate all that they do!

RN14 Kalani
U/U foraging

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