Sunday, July 18, 2021

07/18/2021 Sunday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update


Yesterday Marilyn joined me to monitor Ka'ena Pt. We saw and documented 7 seals.

Started with RP30 Puka that was sleeping, well hidden in a tide pool. Next was RW02 PVKauai hauled out on his favorite beach where he spent the day
Out at the point we had RO40 Ka'ena sleeping peacefully on a reef.
RG28 Lefty was sleeping on reefs when another seal came by and decided to haul out near him, they had words and the other seal decided to haul out on a reef across the tide pool from Lefty. It was R330 Squinty.
Not far on the waterline of a small beach between rock RL74 Kami was sleeping. The Ulua hook was well visible 
On our way back we saw some visitors taking photos and knew by their body language that
there was a seal there. We stopped and did outreach with them. All left apologizing and now do the "rule of thumb". The seal was RK36 Kauai Kolohe, that may have been there in the morning, but we didn't see him

One of our DLNR partner agency has a team that monitors our coastlines. They do Mokule'ia side of Ka'ena on my days off. When they wrap-up they check in with me and we go over their sightings. I just got off the phone from today's report. They met someone on the beach that told them that the seal they were looking at was "Leia" RP30 Puka's mom. That information was NOT correct because the seals tag was N59. That is RN58 "Luana's" tag N58/N59 she is the pup's aunty, sister of RL42 "Leia", Puka's mom. Luana finished her molt last week and his shinny and beautiful in her new coat. "Leia" hasn't molted yet.    
More soon - Be Safe ğŸŒº

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