Sunday, July 11, 2021

07/11/2021 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update from Friday 7/9


On Wednesday I sighted and documented 9 seals: RG28 Lefty, RP30 Puka, RL98 Lina, RN58 Luana, RK36 Kauai Kolohe, R407 Kawika, RW02 PVKauai, RL74 and a U/U swim by

Yesterday I had to go to Keawa'ula side but drove there. Didn't have time to go look for seals, next time I'll team up with the Billands. Tammy and Dave did this side so when I came back late in the afternoon I didn't even go down to check.
Today was another 9 seals day. It started off with 6 seals on this side before entering the permitted side of the park.
Overnighted RN58 Luana and RG28 Lefty spent the day together sleeping. She finished her molt on Wednesday and looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Then I spotted RP30 Puka in a little tide pool foraging and playing with a crab. RH32 Ka'ale overnighted on this side and spent the day. 
Then I went to the opposite side ID RW02 PVKauai also overnighted. When I checked on him in the afternoon he had left.
From there I saw another seal hauled out with already fans looking over him. It was RE74

Heding to the point I sighted RL74 Kami still with her Ulua hook - last Saturday when I documented her the hook wasn't visible, then the next day a hiker sent in some photos of her still with the hook. We went back to my photos and on one of them (the one I used to write her name on zooming in you can see the hook. So my apologies for celebrating and sharing the wrong info. She fooled us all.
Further I saw a seal in an unusual spot - yes that can still happen after +15years doing Ka'ena. A low tide and ta-da !! a new haul out place. The seal was R407 Kawika.
The last one was RK36 Kauai Kolohe doing the hippo in a tide pool.
On my way back in the afternoon Luana and Lefty were sleeping when Benny sneaked up on them. There was some snapping and barking and Benny left. His next stop was sneaking up on uncle Ka'ale and nephew Puka that were sleeping side by side. Some words from Ka'ale and Benny left
More tomorrow - Be Safe ğŸŒº

Benny approaching Luana and Lefty
RW02 PvKauai

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