Sunday, July 11, 2021

07/11/2021 Sunday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Lesley and Team R&B💕.   Lesley's Ka'ena update from Friday the 9th is part two of today's dailies.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12 to 2:15 and spotted three seals on island. Out of the rock flats Lanikai side of LPB there was initially one seal who later was visited by another. The original seal was an unknown, subadult to adult size, yellowish female belly with a fair amount of green and two tags. She is reported as UF1.

The UF1 was visited by Weaner P02. She hauled out first about 20 ft from UF1, then re-entered water

and hauled out again about 5ft away. Weaner P04 did not interact with UF1 and then she re-entered the water and hauled out later at LPB.  P04 was ID'd by her weaner size and coloration, light female belly, single tag on her RRF and no nbs on her front flippers. 

Way out on RRB being waterfront rocks was an unknown, adult to subadult size, light female belly and at least one tag. Marilyn is pretty sure this is the UU that was reported yesterday, today it was reported at UF2. Marilyn thinks she may have seen a nb on the lower left rear side which would suggest that his RK37 Huia.

Team R&B hung out at the bay and one of the fishermen told them the seal was taking fish from them. Well one would think it was Kaale, but no little green RL20 Kalua has figured out an easier but dangerous way to get some fish for himself.

At another location on the west side they found RW22 Kolohe on the rocks snoozing. This boy seems to be on the move the last couple of days.

They found the beautiful Miss Lei Ola RH48 out at Makua Cliffs. She was alone and enjoying her peace and quiet.

Today Team R&B took a surprise visit to Ka'ena Point to visit with Puka RP30. He was snoozing on shore all by himself looking nice and plump not to mention adorable. While going to check on the weaner they spotted two seals apart snoozing on shore. One was Lefty RG28 who barely moved. The other was Luana RN58 was to the right of Lefty. 

While out at Mokuleia they received a call from a friend of a seal hauled out at Plains. They left to go and check and when they arrived it was a zoo with all kinds of people out and about. Thankfully the life guards put a zone around her. Much to their surprise they ID'd the seal as RH92 Nalani, they haven't seen her in a long time.  She has a new clean coat, tags were visible, also her facial scar and the scar on her fore flipper.  Glad to have her back on Oahu.

RL20 Kalua
Lei Ola
Puka RP30
Lefty RG28
Nalani RH92

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