Tuesday, July 13, 2021

07/13/2021 (part 2) Tuesday Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Yesterday I went down in the afternoon, found RN58 Luana and RG40 Holokai sleeping on the beach, RP30 Puka was sleeping further away.

This morning an overnighted RG28 Lefty was solo sleeping on the beach. RP30 Puka was foraging in the Weaner Cove.
Heading into the park the trio RN58 LuanaRO40 Ka'ena and R407 Kawika were together sleeping on a beach. On my way back Kawika had left and Luana and Ka'ena were side by side.
Further to the point RL74 Kami and R330 Squinty were side by side on some reefs. Squinty had one eye closed and one eye on Kami. She still has the Ulua hook on the left corner of her mouth.  More soon - Be Safe ğŸŒº

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