Once again conditions to view Rabbit Island weren't great due to the wind, at least there was no rain. There was a total of four critters. Three seals were to the right of the 1st blue sign. Looked to be two juveniles that were born in 2018, and an adult. The adult looks like it has an applied bleach, but so hard to read. Open to any suggestions.
Team Billand started out at 7 am and only critter they found at that time was R3CU hauled out. He was nice and dry so that tells you he been there for a bit.
After observing him for a bit and looking around they spot another seal coming in Kekoa Alii RK72. He went to lower rocks and greeted R3CU. It was a pleasant greeting without incident.
Their last visit of the day was in the afternoon ( they began and ended their day here). There was Kaale RH32 on lower rock with the other boys Kekoa, and R3CU. Kawena sneezed which caught Kaale attention looking to the right, left then back again. He very quietly and gently made his way to look at mid high rock where Kawena was sleeping. Kaale tried to climb up but couldn't make it, so he then went over and bugged Kekoa who was sleeping. Living up to his name Kaale head butt Kekoa who gave him a "whoop" and butthead knew to stop.
At noontime Team Billand made a stop at a leeward beach and found Pohaku RO28 on the reef alone snoozing. Pohaku then galumpherd further inland and went to sleep. She is looking good with no new markers.
Team Billand did make their way over to plains and found Buster boy V08 by the fenceline. The life guards had put up a zone.
One of the females was Kaimana RJ58 very well hidden and hard to get any photos. She was looking fine and no unusual behavior.
The second female was Lei Ola RH48. It took Team Billand a minute or two to ID her. She was not cooperating by showing any obvious markings, but finally they spotted her tag.
Rabbit Island
UU by third blue sign
Kekoa and R3CU
Ka'ale RH32
Lei Ola