Thursday, March 24, 2022

03/24/2022 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by posse pal Amy, Team T&D and Team R&B💕

Posse pal Amy provided Monk Seal 101 from 10:45 to 3 Pm at a popular resort location on the westside. There were two seals on the beach. One seal was ID'd by applied bleach mark N14 Kalani. The other seal was an adult male, Amy could not make a definite ID but suspects Kekoa Alii.  
At 2:42 a third seal swam close to the shore, and the U/M (Kekoa) charged at the swimming seal. The U/U seal in the water did not haul out, instead swam away from the cove.  Kalani RN14 and the U/M (Kekoa)  remained on the beach when Amy headed after a volunteer arrived at 3 pm.

Team T&D hiked out to Ka'ena Point and met up with Lesley. They compared noted and all had seen the same seals.  Tammy was grateful for Lesley providing and confirming all the IDs.  First seal was in a spot they hadn't seen a seal in for a very long time, it was RL98 Lina.  
Team T&D stopped to watch all the albatross flying around with the strong winds today. 
Next seal find was RW02 PvKauai. Close to RW02 was RO40 Ka'ena with a fairly recent new cut by his shoulder.
Next there were two seals side by side, E'ena RJ40 and Squinty R330. Lesley told them there had been a third seal with them but left before they got there.
Then there was RL08 aka Bam Bam Square Pants affectionately named by seal pal Val. He was given such a name because when he was weaned and measured his length and width were almost the same. 
Near RL08 was Kiane R604, she has a new cc bite almost a week old and looks to be healing nicely.

Team R&B started their day at the outfall and were thrilled to find two young seals having the time of their lives. There was L7 and R608 (they think) were doing hugs under water, barrel rolls looked like seal ballet.  At times they would fly their hind flippers mid air making huge splashed. The fishermen were entertained by their antics, some were taking video.
Only one time, the seals went for  the live fish on the fishermen's line, but they missed. The fisherman was good and took the line out and the bait.  Good for him! 

Both R608 and L7 left the outfall and went to a nearby beach to land. Team R&B watched them haul in, galumphing together, side by side. Stopping once in a while to climb onto each other.  
They called the hotline, and waited, no one arrived so they called again, and still no one came.  One of Team R&B's posse friends brought some sticks and signs, so they made a zone for the seals while they rested.  A dog came and walked over to the seals, but thankfully the dog didn't chase or bark. Phew!

Team R&B heard two seals were at a popular tourists beach, so they headed out. There on shore were RN14 Kalani and RK72 Kekoa Alii. ( Amy was right)  While they were there a tourist stated they wanted to hug the seal, that she really really wanted to hug the seal.  Team R&B suggested it wasn't a good idea, that if she touched the seal it becomes a felony. 
Miss Amy was on site doing her best educating and keeping people away from the two.

At another west side location they saw two seal on high rocks. At first
they didn't recognize them, when a wave came along and washed over the two of them. Thats when the applied bleach on one of them became visible, and Team R&B was thrilled to see RM31 Kai.  With Kai was Pe'ekai RP84, hanging in his buddy after the big wave.
To the right of seal inlet they spotted the lovely RH76 Kala. She is looking plump and healthy.

Last stop at the bay they found RL20 Kalua. He was on the rocks resting alone peacefully. He put on weight must be getting good eats. Meantime there were crabs crawling on him but he didn't care.

third seal approaches Kalani & Kekoa
RN14 Kalani and RK72 Kekoa Alii
Squinty and E'ena RJ40
L7 and R608
L7 and R608 hauling out
Kekoa Alii 
RM31 Kai
RM31 Kai
RH76 Kala
RL20 Kalua

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